1. Enter application to connect wallet
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Pre-release environment test address: https://test.nodedao.io/#/home, click to connect wallet to start experiencing the NodeDAO insurance platform. NodeDAO currently supports the BSC network, and the wallet supported is MetaMask. The connection operations are as follows:
Select "Connect Wallet" and follow the steps to connect your MetaMask wallet,
If you are using MetaMask wallet for the first time, the system will remind you to install it, please follow the instructions and install it first. MetaMask website: https://metamask.io
MetaMask can be downloaded to Chrome and Firefox, as well as to IOS and Android. After successfully downloaded, it requires to create wallet according to the instructions. When creating wallet, you need to set up the mnemonics, which is best to be backed up in a place isolated from the network, such as a notebook. If the mnemonics is lost, you will never be able to log in to the wallet and retrieve the assets in it. After the wallet is created successfully, you can use it to send and receive assets, the wallet interface is as follows:
Scroll down and click Networks,
Click Add Network,
Fill in the required information of the BSC network, which are listed below:
Binance Smart Chain
Network Name: Binance Smart Chain
New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/
Chain ID: 56
Currency Symbol: BNB
Binance Smart Chain (Testnet)
Network Name: Binance Smart Chain - Testnet
New RPC URL: https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545/
Chain ID: 97
Currency Symbol: BNB
After filling out all the information, click Save and return to the home page, the network will be automatically set up, and now you can officially use the MetaMask wallet.
Then you can connect wallet again, see the reminder and click MetaMask to log in:
Click the network area in the upper right corner to select the desired network, taking selecting BSC as an example,
When the current network of the wallet is not the BSC network, follow the system reminder to switch, as shown in the image:
When the wallet is connected, click the wallet address, and click Log Out in the pop-up window.
Block Explorer URL:
Block Explorer URL: